This blog post is for the quinceañera who will celebrate her quince in less than a week. On a scale from 1-5, how excited are you for your quinceañera? Let me know in the comments. Since your quince is so close, here are some insights on preparing for your quince photos, which will also help you ease those nerves.
The Six Tips to Help You Be Prepared for Your Quince Photos
Keep in mind, that these six insights are from a photographer's point of view.

Communicate With Your Court of Honor
Communication is key! Quinceañeras and mamás, talk with the court of honor and the parents about what the quinceañera day will look like. A week prior to the quinceañera, tell the chambelanes to get their haircut two days before. And make sure they have their suit ready to go. The same goes with damas, to get their nails and hair done at least two days before. That they have tried on the gown and made adjustments.
There have been times when I arrive at the quinceañera's home, the chambelanes are out getting their haircut, or a girl's dress is too big. Also, there have been times when the court of honor have no idea of what's going on or that they were going to a park to take pictures. Give them an idea of what is to come, even if you have to repeat hundred times.
Getting Your Dress Ready the Night Before

How long has the quinceañera dress been in the garment bag? Did you take it to the cleaners para que lo planchen? O usted lo va planchar? 8 out of 10 times, the dress will need to be ironed and you'll most likely notice that on the morning of the quinceañera. Here's a plan, during the last week prior to the quinceañera, take the dress out of the garment bag. Ask someone to help you iron the dress. I would recommend the night before, but I know that that night is crazy. At least 3 days prior. If it's going to be the morning off, have it be the first thing you do. Again, ask your sister, mom, or tia to help you out that morning. It's going to be a long day.
Have the dress out of the garment bag the night before hanging on your closet door or laid out on an extra bed/sofa.
Keep Jewelry and Accessories Near By
Another thing when it comes to the wardrobe of the quinceañera is her jewelry and accessories. These are the shoes, tiara/crown, ring, neckless, bouquet, hair accessories, etc. Placed them near the dress or somewhere accessible. If you are having your photographer arrive early in the morning, the photographer is going to ask for these items right away. Keep them together in a good accessible spot in the house. This will also help you know where everything is and what to take once you're ready to leave the house.
Book Your Hair and Make-Up Appiontment EARLY
Please, please, please, book your make-up artist and hairstylist early! Like at 7 am. Now, this all depends on how you planned the quinceañera. But, the earliest the better. The same goes for everyone else who is also going to get their hair and make-up done, like mom, grandma, sisters, damas, cousins, and friends. Book your appointment as early as possible. You want your make-up and hair done 3 hours before you have to leave the house. At least the quinceañera and everyone else who is going to the photoshoot at the park. It'll take you 2 hours minimum to get your hair and make-up done, and 1 hour to put on the dress, jewelry, and accessories. Remember, the photographer is going to be taking pictures in between, so that's why it'll take one hour for the quinceañera to be ready.
Go to Bed Early
Get some rest the night before. I'm well aware that the day before might be the last quince practice. Also, the last day to run around town getting everything ready for the quinceañera. Maybe getting your nails done. Or dying your hair. Or maybe last-minute shopping. Or maybe you'll be cleaning the house. As a family, agreed on what time you all are going to bed. As you just realized, the day is going to start early and running. Get some rest.
Have Breakfast and Drink Water
Drink plenty of water. The day before the quinceañera, drink water and eat well. On the morning of the quinceañera, drink water and eat a BIG breakfast. It's going to be a long day for everyone. Communicate with your court of honor and with the family who will be helping to stay hydrated and eat a big breakfast. You may not get a chance to eat until dinner is served at the reception.
I hope I didn't stress you. I want to help you be prepared for your quince and have fun. It all starts with how you begin the day. Take a deep breath. Everything is going well.
You know where the quinceañera is going to take pictures and you have planned out the events of the ceremony and reception. This post is to provide tips, to give an idea of how the morning could go, and the best possible way to go at it.
BONUS: Listen To The Photographer!
As a bonus tip, listen to the vendors. We have helped families celebrate quinceañeras for some time, so we have an idea of how things might go. The photographer, videographer, make-up artist, and hairstylist have seen how the morning of family events could go. Ask for our opinion or listen to what we suggest. We want to help you.